Čuječnost je potrpežljivost

Nikoli se ne bi naučili biti pogumni in potrpežljivi, če bi na svetu obstajalo samo veselje.

(Helen Keller)


Potrpežljivost pomeni razumevanje in sprejemanje dejstva, da potrebuje vsaka stvar svoj čas. Pomembno je poudariti, da pojem zajema tudi potrpežljivost do sebe. Čuječnost namreč pomeni zavedanje dejstva, da ni potrebe, da bi bili nepotrpežljivi do sebe, kadar se miselni in čustveni vzorci v našem umu ne ujemajo z našimi željami oz. pričakovanji.

Potrpežljivost pri delu

Ni razloga, zakaj bi se morala čuječnost kakorkoli razlikovati od osredotočanja na lastno delo, od vestnega in preudarnega ravnanja. V trenutku, ko se s kom posvetujemo, ko razrešujemo težave in se ukvarjamo z življenjskimi izzivi, sta nujna mirno srce in samoobvladovanje, če želimo doseči dobre rezultate. To razume vsak. Če se ne obvladamo, ampak pustimo, da nas zajameta lastna nepotrpežljivost ali jeza, naše delo ne bo imelo nobene vrednosti več.

(Thich Nhat Hanh: Čudež pozornosti)


Izberite si primeren čas, ko boste imeli nekaj minut samo zase in vas nihče ne bo motil. Izklopite televizijo in radio, stišajte telefon in naredite kratko vajo osredotočanja na dihanje.

Usedite se v udoben položaj. V kolikor vam to ustreza, zaprite oči, sicer pa svoj pogled mehko usmerite v neko točko pred seboj. Nato usmerite svojo pozornost na dihanje in na vse občutke v telesu ob tem ko dihate. Nekaj minut naj bo dihanje sidro vaše pozornosti. Najverjetneje boste kmalu opazili, da vaše misli odnaša drugam. V takšnem trenutku se pohvalite, da ste to opazili, nato pa svojo pozornost nežno povabite nazaj k dihanju.

Vsakokrat ko to storite, vadite potrpežljivost do sebe in svojega uma.


Mindfulness is patience

We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.

(Helen Keller)

Patience means to understand and accept the fact that everything takes time to develop. The concept includes also being patient with oneself – mindfulness means to acknowledge the fact that there is no need to be inpatient with ourselves when cognitive and emotional patterns in our mind are not in accordance to our desires or expectations.

Patience at work

There is no reason why mindfulness should be different from focusing all one’s attention on one’s work, to be alert and to be using one’s best judgment. During the moment one is consulting, resolving, and dealing with whatever arises, a calm heart and self-control are necessary if one is to obtain good results. Anyone can see that. If we are not in control of ourselves but instead let our impatience or anger interfere, then our work is no longer of any value.

(Thich Nhat Hanh: The Miracle of Mindfulness)

Try it

Choose an appropriate time when you have a few minutes just for yourself and no one will disturb you. Turn off the TV and the radio, turn down the phone and then do a short exercise of focusing on your breathing.

Sit down to a comfortable position. If it suits you close your eyes, otherwise direct your gaze softly at a point in front of you. Then bring your awareness on your breathing and on all the sensations in your body while you are breathing. For a few minutes breathing should be the anchor of your awareness. Most likely you will soon notice that your thoughts are drifting elsewhere. In such a moment, praise yourself for noticing it and then invite your attention gently back to breathing.

Each time you do this, you practice patience with yourself and with your mind.


Zapis je del pobude Spoznajmo čuječnost, ki je bil tema Tedna ozaveščanja o duševnem zdravju, ki je potekal od 11. do 17. maja 2015. Čuječnost na centru izvajamo v okviru Programa NARA. 

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