Slovene Centre for Suicide Research

Slovene Centre for Suicide Research (SCSR) is an independent unit within the Andrej Marušič Institute (University of Primorska, Slovenia).

Founded in 2011 by Prof. Diego De Leo and a group of Prof. Marušič’s former co-workers, SCSR is advancing professional work of one of leading Slovenian figures in suiciodology. Our team of ten experts is currently involved in several suicide prevention and postvention projects within the EU. Our goal is to gain in-depth understanding of suicidal behaviour through research and clinical work in the field of mental health.

Our vision is to become a globally recognized center for suicide research.

Živ?Živ! webpage

Živ?Živ! (lit. Alive?Alive!) is a showcase of our work and a platform for all things mental health.

What we do?

  • We are working towards reducing suicide rates in Slovenia.
  • We prevent suicidal behaviours, both fatal and non-fatal.
  • We use a wide range of high-quality research methods in order to better understand and explain suicidal behaviour.
  • We carry out research in a multi-level, multi-disciplinary way that can be implemented flexibly in various cultural contexts.
  • We provide effective intervention, treatment options, and postvention activities.
  • We fight stigma associated with suicidal behaviour.
  • We disseminate the latest knowledge in the field of suicide within the general public and field professionals.
  • We engage in different events and media in order to bring together people from academia, government, NGOs, and general public.
  • We provide education and training opportunities for university students and other interested parties.
  • We are members of national and international associations and research networks.
  • We contribute to the implementation and evaluation of a suicide prevention strategies (national suicide prevention strategy is in progress).

The Core Team

prof. dr. Diego De Leo

Deputy Head
Vita Poštuvan

Polonca Borko
Vanja Gomboc
Tina Goznik
Nina Krohne
Meta Lavrič
Tina Podlogar
Lucia Rojs
Eva Sedlašek
Sara Vidmar
Nuša Zadravec Šedivy

SCSR Contact details

University of Primorska
Institute Andrej Marušič
Muzejski trg 2, 6000 Koper, Slovenia, EU
Phone: +386 5 611 75 91
Fax: +386 5 611 75 92

Slovene Centre for Suicide Research
Glagoljaška 2, 6000 Koper, Slovenia, EU
Office phone: +386 5 611 76 56
Cell phone.: +386 40 490 580