Čuječnost je prijaznost

Bodimo prijazni, kadarkoli smo lahko. Vedno smo lahko.

(Dalai Lama)

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Čuječnost je prijaznost do sebe, drugih in celega sveta. Prijaznost je način, kako se lotevamo stvari brez grobosti, s pozornostjo, potrpežljivostjo, zaupanjem in sprejemanjem. V vsaki situaciji, tudi če je ta za nas neprijetna, se lahko odločimo, da bomo delovali prijazno.

Ljubezen in prijaznost sta osnova za rast

Ljubezen in prijaznost sta prisotna ves čas, nekje, dejansko pa vsepovsod. Navadno je naša sposobnost, da bi se ju dotaknili ali da bi se obe dotaknili nas, zakopana globoko pod našimi strahovi in ranami, pod našim pohlepom in sovraštvom. S priklicem teh občutij v praksi se pomikamo k mejam lastne brezbrižnosti, ravno tako kot se pri jogi pomikamo proti meji raztegljivosti mišic, vezi in kit, ter tako kot v meditaciji pomikamo meje in brezbrižnost svojega uma in srca. In ko se borimo in pomikamo, včasih tudi z bolečino, tedaj rastemo, se spreminjamo in spreminjamo svet.

(Jon Kabat-Zinn: Kamorkoli greš, si že tam)


Tekom dneva bodite pozorni na trenutke, ko se vedete neprijazno do sebe. Morda boste opazili samo-obtožujoče misli, ali pa se boste zalotili pri tem, da se na nek način grobo vedete do svojega telesa. Usmerite pozornost na te trenutke in na to, kako se ob tem počutite.

Prepoznajte samo-obtožujoče misli in jih sprejmite kot del dogajanja v vašem umu. Nato pa se vprašajte, na kakšen način ste lahko bolj prijazni. Lahko si npr. zamislite, kako bi bil prijatelj razumevajoč, če bi se z njim pogovarjali o stvareh, zaradi katerih se kritizirate.

Prepoznajte neprijaznost do sebe in jo skušajte spremeniti v prijaznost: vzemite si čas, da v miru pojete obrok in da se razmigate, poskrbite za vzravnano telesno držo ter si privoščite dejavnost, ki vam je prijetna.


Mindfulness is kindness

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

(Dalai Lama)

Mindfulness is kindness to oneself, others and the world. Kindness is the way to address things without harshness, with awareness, patience, trust and acceptance. In every situation, even if it is uncomfortable for us, we can decide to act with kindness.

Love and kindness are the basis for growth

Love and kindness are here all the time, somewhere, in fact, everywhere. Usually our ability to touch them and be touched by them lies buried below our own fears and hurts, below our greed and our hatreds, below our desperate clinging to the illusion that we are truly separate and alone. By invoking such feelings in our practice, we are stretching against the edges of our own ignorance, just as in the yoga we stretch against the resistance of muscle, ligament, and tendon, and as in that and all other forms of meditation, against the boundaries and ignorance of our own minds and hearts. And in the stretching, painful as it sometimes is, we expand, we grow, we change ourselves, we change the world.

(Jon Kabat-Zinn: Wherever You Go There You Are)

Try it

During the day pay attention to the moments when you behave unkindly to yourself. You may notice self-accusing thoughts, or find yourself behaving roughly to your body in some way. Bring your attention to these moments and to how they make you feel.

Identify self-accusing thoughts and accept them as a part of what is happening in your mind. Then ask yourself, in what way you could be kinder. You can, for example, imagine how understanding a friend would be, if you talked to him or her about things for which you criticize yourself.

Identify unkindness to yourself and try to change it into kindness: take the time to eat a meal in peace, take care of upright posture, do some physical exercises and engage in an activity that is enjoyable for you.


Zapis je del pobude Spoznajmo čuječnost, ki je bil tema Tedna ozaveščanja o duševnem zdravju, ki je potekal od 11. do 17. maja 2015. Čuječnost na centru izvajamo v okviru Programa NARA. 

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