
Živ? Živ! spletna stran je napisana na poljuden način. Zato naši članki le redko vključujejo (daljše) navedbe virov, avtorje člankov ali dodatno gradivo, ki bi ga želeli prebrati zahtevnejši bralci ali strokovna publika.

zivziv spletna

V namen informiranja bralcev smo zato zbrali relevantne članke oz. monografije, ki smo jih izdali v okviru našega dela. Upamo, da bodo publikacije pripomogle k ozaveščenosti širše in predvsem strokovne javnosti.

Vabljeni k branju.

Strokovne monografije ter znanstveni in strokovni članki sodelavcev Slovenskega centra za raziskovanje samomora

V zadnjem letu smo na UP IAM Slovenskem centru za raziskovanje samomora izdali več knjižnih novosti s področja duševnega zdravja in raziskovanja samomora. Ker si želimo, da bi publikacije dosegle širšo javnost, imamo na voljo tudi brezplačne izvode v tiskani obliki. Vabimo vas, da naše publiakcije preverite na tej povezavi, kjer lahko oddate tudi svoje naročilo.

Vse objavljene publikacije so namenjene nekomercialni rabi, predvsem za namene uporabe znanstvenih in strokovnih spoznanj za namene razumevanja in preprečevanja samomora. Pri navajanju gradiv upoštevajte avtorske pravice in pravila izdajateljev. 


GOMBOC, Vanja, DE LEO, Diego in POŠTUVAN, Vita. Responsible reporting on suicide in Slovenia: Are we there yet?. Journalism. 2024. ISSN 1741-3001.

GOMBOC, Vanja, , BORKO, Polonca, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Narratives at the crossroads : media reporting on suicide in Slovenia in the context of socio-political changes in 1959-1999Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino. 2024. ISSN 0353-0329

GLAVAČ, Timotej, POŠTUVAN, Vita, SCHMECKENBECHER, Jim, KAPUSTA, Nestor D. Slovenian validation of the Capacity to Love Inventory : associations with clinical measures and mindfulness. Frontiers in psychology. 2024. ISSN 1664-1078.

KOŽELJ, Anton, STRAUSS, Maja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, STRAUSS KOŽELJ, Anže, STRNAD, Matej. Perception of personal participation of the nurses in resuscitation procedures: a qualitative studyMedicina. 2024. ISSN 1648-9144.

PODLOGAR, Tina, ŽVELC, Gregor, DE LEO, Diego. Slovene translation of the Difficulties in Suicidal Behaviors Intervention Questionnaire (DSBQ): validation and first results. Crisis. 2024. ISSN 0227-5910.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, GOMBOC, Vanja, ČOPIČ PUCIHAR, Klen, KLJUN, Matjaž, VIČIČ, Jernej, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, ROŠKAR, Saška, KROHNE, Nina. Development and evaluation of online suicide preventive tool iAlive to increase competences in engaging with a suicidal personCrisis. 2024. ISSN 0227-5910

SEDLAŠEK, Eva, KROHNE, Nina, BORKO, Polonca, ZEMLJARIČ, Ives, MASTEN, Robert, VINKO, Matej, DE LEO, Diego in POŠTUVAN, Vita. Beyond the preventive measures: a Delphi method-based study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of different age groups. Medicina. 2024. ISSN 1648-9144

ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, BORKO, Polonca, GOMBOC, Vanja, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Media portrayals of suicide’s risk and protective factors in Slovenia (1959–1999)Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino. 2024. ISSN 0353-0329


POŠTUVAN, Vita, GOMBOC, Vanja, ČOPIČ PUCIHAR, Klen, KLJUN, Matjaž, VIČIČ, Jernej, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, ROŠKAR, Saška in KROHNE, Nina. Development and Evaluation of Online Suicide Preventive Tool iAlive to Increase Competences in Engaging With a Suicidal Person. Crisis. 2023.

POŠTUVAN, Vita in ČERČE, Mojca. psiholog v dilemi: etične vsebine in etična zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2023. ISBN 978-961-293-294-7.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. (2023). Pogovor o samomoru. Praktični priročnik za pogovor o najtežjih življenjskih vprašanjih. Založba Univerze na Primorskem. – Naroči brezplačni izvod priročnika

LUSTIG, Sophia, KAESS, Michael, SCHNYDER, Nina, MICHEL, Chantal, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, VÄRNIK, Airi, RESCH, Franz, CARLI, Vladimir, WASSERMAN, Danuta, idr. The impact of school-based screening on service use in adolescents at risk for mental health problems and risk-behaviour. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2023. ISSN 1018-8827.

LEBEN NOVAK, Lara, GOMBOC, Vanja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, DE LEO, Diego, ROSENSTEIN, Žiga, DROBNIČ RADOBULJAC, Maja. The Influence of Insecure Attachment to Parents on Adolescents’ Suicidality. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2023.


ŠEDIVY, Nuša (ur.), POŠTUVAN, Vita (ur.). Samomorilno vedenje mladostnikov: razvoj in implementacija preventivno-intervencijskih programov. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2022. ISBN 978-961-293-162-9. – Naroči brezplačni izvod knjige

POŠTUVAN, Vita. Po koncu: žalovanje in reintegracija bližnjih po samomoru. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2022. ISBN 978-961-293-165-0. – Naroči brezplačni izvod knjige


POŠTUVAN, Vita, GLAVAČ, Timotej, SCHMECKENBECHER, Jim, KAPUSTA, Nestor D. Slovenian Validation of the Capacity to Love Inventory – A Preliminary Study. Psychological topics, 2022. DOI:

LUSTIG, Sophia, KAESS, Michael, SCHNYDER, Nina, MICHEL, Chantal, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. The impact of school-based screening on service use in adolescents at risk for mental health problems and risk-behaviourEuropean child & adolescent psychiatry, 2022. DOI:

LAVRIČ, Meta, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, POŠTUVAN, Vita. How Correctional Officers Experience Inmates Suicidal Behavior? – Qualitative Research and Development of The Model of a House. The Prison Journal, 2022. DOI: 10.1177/00328855211069302.

KOLLER, Julia E., VILLINGER, Karoline, ABSETZ, Pilvikki, BAMERT, Melanie, GASPAR DE MATOS, Margarida, LAVRIČ, Meta, … POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. Individual and collective protective responses during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in 10 different countries : results from the EUCLID online-survey. International journal of infectious diseases, 2022. DOI:

KOŽELJ, Anton, ŠIKIĆ POGAČAR, Maja, FIJAN, Sabina, STRAUSS, Maja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, STRNAD, Matej. Exploring the feelings of nurses during resuscitation : a cross-sectional study. Healthcare, 2022. DOI:

KROHNE, Nina, GOMBOC, Vanja, LAVRIČ, Meta, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego. Slovenian Validation of the Mental Health Literacy Scale (S-MHLS) on the General Population: A Four-Factor Model. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 2022. DOI: 10.1177/00469580211047193.

CIPOLLETTA, Sabrina, ENTILLI, Lorenza, BETTIO, Fabio, DE LEO, Diego. Live-chat support for people bereaved by suicide: a thematic analysis. Crisis, 2022.  DOI: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000759.

SOLMI, Marco, ESTRADÉ, Andrés, THOMPSON, Trevor, AGORASTOS, Agorastos, RADUA, Joaquim, BRAND, Serge, … DE LEO, Diego, idr. The collaborative outcomes study on health and functioning during infection times in adults (COH-FIT-Adults) : design and methods of an international online survey targeting physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of affective disorders, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.07.048.

POŠTUVAN, Vita in POŠTUVAN, Vesna. The psychosocial perception of healthy eating among young people in Slovenia. V: LIMA, Christina (ur.), CUNHA, Ana Margarida (ur.), PEREIRA, Andreia (ur.), DE CARVALHO, Renato (ur.), DULYANSKA, Yuliya (ur.) in GUINÉ, Raquel (ur.), Abstract Book: International Web Conference on Food Choice & Eating Motivation. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu CERNAS-IPV, Unidade de Gestão do Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade, 2022. ISBN: 978-972-8765-25-5.


ERJAVEC, Ajda, GREGORIČ KUMPERŠČAK, Hojka, KONEC JURIČIČ, Nuša, LEKIĆ, Ksenija, MALEŠEVIČ, Tamara, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ROŠKAR, Saška, TEKAVČIČ GRAD, Onja, ZAVASNIK, Anamarija. Ko se zgodi samomor učenca ali dijaka. Smernice za postvencijo v šoli. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, Program MIRA – Nacionalni program duševnega zdravja, 2021. ISBN: 978-961-6945-37-0.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, TEKAVČIČ GRAD, Onja. Žalovanje po samomoru in postvencija. V: ROŠKAR, Saška (ur.), VIDETIČ PASKA, Alja (ur.). Samomor v Sloveniji in svetu : opredelitev, raziskovanje, preprečevanje in obravnava. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2021. ISBN 978-961-6945-51-6.

ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša. Moški s posebno visokim tveganjem za samomor. V: ROŠKAR, Saška (ur.), VIDETIČ PASKA, Alja (ur.). Samomor v Sloveniji in svetu : opredelitev, raziskovanje, preprečevanje in obravnava. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2021. ISBN 978-961-6945-51-6.

KONEC JURIČIČ, Nuša, LEKIĆ, Ksenija, KRALJ, Domen, CUGMAS, Marjan, POŠTUVAN, Vita, BRECELJ ANDERLUH, Marija, VATOVEC, Mojca, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, DERNOVŠEK, Mojca Zvezdana, ROŠKAR, Saška, SELAK, Špela. Dobre preventivne prakse za varovanje duševnega zdravja in preprečevanje samomorilnosti v Sloveniji. V: ROŠKAR, Saška (ur.), VIDETIČ PASKA, Alja (ur.). Samomor v Sloveniji in svetu : opredelitev, raziskovanje, preprečevanje in obravnava. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2021. ISBN 978-961-6945-51-6.

GOMBOC, Vanja, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Uporaba novih medijev pri preprečevanju samomora. V: ROŠKAR, Saška (ur.), VIDETIČ PASKA, Alja (ur.). Samomor v Sloveniji in svetu : opredelitev, raziskovanje, preprečevanje in obravnava. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2021. ISBN 978-961-6945-51-6.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, LAVRIČ, Meta, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša. Kvalitativni pristopi k preučevanju samomora. V: ROŠKAR, Saška (ur.), VIDETIČ PASKA, Alja (ur.). Samomor v Sloveniji in svetu : opredelitev, raziskovanje, preprečevanje in obravnava. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2021. ISBN 978-961-6945-51-6.

MARS BITENC, Urša, ZUPANC, Tomaž, PODLOGAR, Tina. Različni pristopi in etični vidiki raziskovanja samomorilnosti. V: ROŠKAR, Saška (ur.), VIDETIČ PASKA, Alja (ur.). Samomor v Sloveniji in svetu : opredelitev, raziskovanje, preprečevanje in obravnava. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2021. ISBN 978-961-6945-51-6.

PODLOGAR, Tina. Psihološki dejavniki samomorilnosti. V: ROŠKAR, Saška (ur.), VIDETIČ PASKA, Alja (ur.). Samomor v Sloveniji in svetu : opredelitev, raziskovanje, preprečevanje in obravnava. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2021. ISBN 978-961-6945-51-6.

KAESS, Michael, KLAR, Johanna, KINDLER, Jochen, PARZER, Peter, BRUNNER, Romuald, CARLI, Vladimir, SARCHIAPONE, Marco, HOVEN, Christina W., GOMBOC, Vanja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. Excessive and pathological Internet use – risk-behavior or psychopathology?. Addictive Behaviors. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.107045.

LAVRIČ, Meta, ŠTUKOVNIK, Vita. Vpliv izmenskega dela na spanje in duševno zdravje – pregled literature in pogled naprej. Psihološka obzorja. 2021. DOI: 10.20419/2021.30.541

GOMBOC, Vanja, KROHNE, Nina, LAVRIČ, Meta, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego. Emotional and social loneliness as predictors of suicidal ideation in different age groups. Community Mental Health Journal. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-021-00823-8

POŠTUVAN, Vita. Duševne stiske se zmanjšajo, ko jih podelimo z drugimi. Pazi nase: revija o zdravju in odnosih, 2021,  vol. 9, str. 30.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. Ko se prikradejo temne misli. Pazi nase: revija o zdravju in odnosih, 2021, vol. 9, Str. 20–23.


GOMBOC, Vanja, KROHNE, Nina, LAVRIČ, Meta, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego. Primerjava osamljenosti in subjektivnega blagostanja v normalnih in izrednih razmerah. V: LEP, Žan (ur.), HACIN BEYAZOGLU, Kaja (ur.). Psihologija pandemije: posamezniki in družba v času koronske krize. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2020. Str. 79-89, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0393-1.

ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ŽVELC, Gregor. Suicidal behaviour and quality of life in Slovene prisons. The journal of forensic psychiatry & psychology. 2020, DOI: 10.1080/14789949.2020.1868550.

TEMENT, Sara, ZORJAN, Saša, LAVRIČ, Meta, POŠTUVAN, Vita, PLOHL, Nejc. A randomized controlled trial to improve psychological detachment from work and well-being among employees: a study protocol comparing online CBT-based and mindfulness interventions. BMC Public Health. 2020. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09691-5

KAHN, Jean-Pierre, COHEN, Renaud F., TUBIANA, Alexandra, LEGRAND, Karine, WASSERMAN, Camilla, … MARS BITENC, Urša, … POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. Influence of coping strategies on the efficacy of YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health): a universal school-based suicide preventive program. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00787-020-01476-w

LAVRIČ, Meta, GOMBOC, Vanja, KROHNE, Nina, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego. Concerns, Positive Changes, and Suggestions for Psychological Support during COVID-19: A Thematic Analysis. Sociology Mind. 2020, DOI: 10.4236/sm.2020.104012

LAVRIČ, Meta, GOMBOC, Vanja, KROHNE, Nina, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego. Loneliness within the general population of Slovenia. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2020, DOI: 10.1177/0020764020943230

PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, DE LEO, Diego, ŽVELC, Gregor. The model of dynamic balance in therapists’ experiences and views on working with suicidal clients: a qualitative study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/cpp.2484

BENATOV, Joy, BRUNSTEIN KLOMEK, Anat, SHIRA, Barzilay, APTER, Alan, CARLI, Vladimir, … PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. Doing nothing is sometimes worse: comparing avoidant versus approach coping strategies with peer victimization and their association to depression and suicide ideation. Journal of School Violence. 2020, DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2020.1738941

POŠTUVAN, Vita. (ur.) (2020). Znanja, spretnosti in kompetence na področju duševnega zdravja. Založba Univerze na Primorskem.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. (2020). Pogovor o samomoru (PDF) (Praktični priročnik za pogovor o najtežjih življenjskih vprašanjih). Založba Univerze na Primorskem. – Naroči brezplačni izvod priročnika

ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego, ŽVELC, Gregor. Understanding male suicide: a qualitative perspective. V: DE LEO, Diego (ur.), POŠTUVAN, Vita (ur.). Reducing the toll of suicide: resources for communities, groups, and individuals. Boston; Göttingen: Hogrefe, cop. 2020. Str. [75]-93, ilustr. ISBN 978-0-88937-569-7, ISBN 978-1-61676-569-9, ISBN 978-1-61334-569-6.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. Community responses and reactions to bereaved: suicide survivors’ perceptions. V: DE LEO, Diego (ur.), POŠTUVAN, Vita (ur.). Reducing the toll of suicide: resources for communities, groups, and individuals. Boston; Göttingen: Hogrefe, cop. 2020. Str. 155-165, ilustr. ISBN 978-0-88937-569-7, ISBN 978-1-61676-569-9, ISBN 978-1-61334-569-6.

DE LEO, Diego. Assessing suicide risk in older adults. V: DE LEO, Diego (ur.), POŠTUVAN, Vita (ur.). Reducing the toll of suicide: resources for communities, groups, and individuals. Boston; Göttingen: Hogrefe, cop. 2020. Str. 3-26, ilustr. ISBN 978-0-88937-569-7, ISBN 978-1-61676-569-9, ISBN 978-1-61334-569-6.

VIDRIH, Alenka, HRAM, Ana, POŠTUVAN, Vita. The treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa among female adolescents aged 18-21 using intertwined arts therapies. V: HOGAN, Susan (ur.). Arts therapies and gender issues: international perspectives on research. London; New York: Routledge, 2020. Str. 210-227, tabele. International research in the arts therapies. ISBN 978-0-8153-5869-5.

SWAMI, Viren, TRAN, Ulrich S., BARRON, David, AFHAMI, Reza, AIMÉ, Annie, … POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS): breast size dissatisfaction and its antecedents and outcomes in women from 40 nations. Body Image. 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2020.01.006


KAESS, Michael, EPPELMANN, Lena, BRUNNER, Romuald, PARZER, Peter, RESCH, Franz, … PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. Life Events Predicting the First Onset of Adolescent Direct Self-Injurious Behavior — A Prospective Multicenter Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.08.018

BARZILAY, Shira, APTER, Alan, SNIR, Avigal, CARLI, Vladimir, HOVEN, Christina W., … POŠTUVAN, Vita, PODLOGAR, Tina, idr. A longitudinal examination of the interpersonal theory of suicide and effects of school‐based suicide prevention interventions in a multinational study of adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 60(10):1104-1111; 2019, DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13119

POŠTUVAN, Vita, PODLOGAR, Tina, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, DE LEO, Diego. Suicidal behaviour among sexual-minority youth: a review of the role of acceptance and support. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 2019, DOI:

GASPAR DE MATOS, Margarida, WAINWRIGHT, Tony, BREBELS, Lieven, CRACIUN, Barbara, GABRHELÍK, Roman, … POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. Looking ahead: challenges and opportunities for applied psychology in prevention and promotion. European Psychologist. 2019, DOI: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000362


Duševno zdravje mladih (zloženka za starše v okviru mreže Za zdravje mladih)

Stiske in samomorilno vedenje mladostnikov: preprečevanje samomorilnega vedenja v šolskem okolju (brošura za strokovne delavce na šoli v okviru projekta A (se) štekaš?!?)

Pietro Gambadauro, Vita Postuvan, itd. in Danuta Wasserman, Psychopathology is associated with reproductive health risk in European adolescents. Reproductive Health 15(1). 15:186.

AHERN, S, POŠTUVAN, V. idr. A cost-effectiveness analysis of school-based suicide prevention programmes. European child & adolescent psychiatry, ISSN 1018-8827, 2018, vol. 27, iss. 10, str. 1295-1304.

MARS BITENC, Urša, PIRC, Lara, MESEC RODI, Petra, POŠTUVAN, Vita, DE LEO, Diego. Nature of the last contact with a medical doctor before suicide. Innovative issues and approaches in social sciences, ISSN 1855-0541, 2018, vol. 11, no. 1, str. 23-35.

BRUNSTEIN KLOMEK, Anat, BARZILAY, Shira, APTER, Alan, CARLI, Vladimir, HOVEN, Christina W., … PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, idr. Bi-directional longitudinal associations between different types of bullying victimization, suicide ideation/attempts, and depression among a large sample of European adolescentsJournal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines, ISSN 0021-9630, 2018, str. 1-7.

Balazs, J., Poštuvan, V. itd. Comorbidity of Physical and Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescent: Functional Impairment, Self-Rated Health and Subjective Well-BeingInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(8):1698.

Daniel König, Patrick Swoboda, Christoph Krall, Vita Postuvan, Robert J. Cramer, Nestor D Kapusta. Austrian firearm legislation and its effects on suicide and homicide mortality: A natural quasi-experiment amidst the global economic crisis.  2018. European Psychiatry

RÜÜTEL, Erik, SISASK, Merike, VÄRNIK, Airi, VÄRNIK, Peeter, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, et. al. The influence of parenting on adolescent alcohol consumption: Results from the SEYLE project. Social Research Reports, 2018, 10(2). O članku so poročali tudi na spletni strani projekta MOSA.

WASSERMAN, Camilla, POŠTUVAN, Vita, HERTA, Dana, IOSUE, Miriam, VARNIK, Peeter, CARLI, Vladimir. Interactions between youth and mental health professionals: The Youth Aware of Mental health (YAM) program experience. PloS One, 2018, 13(2).

GAMBADAURO, Pietro, CARLI, Vladimir, HADLACZKY, Gergo, SARCHIAPONE, Marco, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, et al. Correlates of sexual initiation among European adolescents. PloS One, 2018, 13(2). O članku so poročali tudi v TOPobjavah na spletnem portalu Metina lista.


MCMAHON, Elaine M., CORCORAN, Paul, KEELEY, Helen, CANNON, Mary, POŠTUVAN, Vita, MARS BITENC, Urša, et al. Mental health difficulties and suicidal behaviours among young migrants: multicentre study of European adolescents. BJPsych Open, 2017, vol 3, str. 291-299.

ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša, PODLOGAR, Tina, KERR, David C. R., DE LEO, Diego. Community social support as a protective factor against suicide: A gender-specific ecological study of 75 regions of 23 European countries. Health & Place, 2017.

PODLOGAR, Tina, BABIČ, Miran, ROŠKAR, Saška, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, MARS BITENC, Urša, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Koristnost sodelovanja v programu čuječnosti za vratarje sistema: Kvalitativna študija. Zbornik MINDfulness 2017, str. 401-415. 

TEKAVČIČ GRAD, Onja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, WOLF, Nada, OZBIČ, Polona, ZAVASNIK, Anamarija. Slovenia – development of postvention. V: Karl ANDRIESSEN, Karolina KRYSINSKA, Onja T. GRAD (ur.) Postvention in action: the international handbook of suicide bereavement support. Boston; Göttingen, Hogrefe, 2017.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. The growing flower model of reintegration after suicide. V: Karl ANDRIESSEN, Karolina KRYSINSKA, Onja T. GRAD (ur.) Postvention in action: the international handbook of suicide bereavement support. Boston; Göttingen, Hogrefe, 2017.

DE LEO, Diego, POŠTUVAN, Vita (ur.). Resources for suicide prevention: bridging research and practice. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 2017.

zivziv spletna

Ocena knjige Resources for Suicide Prevention: Bridging Research and Practice.

DE LEO, Diego. Suicide in old age. V: Diego DE LEO in Vita POŠTUVAN (ur.). Resources for suicide prevention: bridging research and practice. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 2017, str. 85-100.

DE LEO, Diego. Suicide prevention and older people: Clinical management. V: Diego DE LEO in Vita POŠTUVAN (ur.). Resources for suicide prevention: bridging research and practice. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 2017, str. 101-112.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. Suicide survivors’ reintegration: The growing flower model. V: Diego DE LEO in Vita POŠTUVAN (ur.). Resources for suicide prevention: bridging research and practice. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 2017, str. 129-138.

DE LEO, Diego. Future directions in suicide research and prevention. V: Diego DE LEO in Vita POŠTUVAN (ur.). Resources for suicide prevention: bridging research and practice. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 2017, str. 141-156.

BANZER, Raphaela, HARING, Christian, BUCHHEIM, Anna, ÖHLER, Stefan, CARLI, Vladimir, POŠTUVAN, Vita, PODLOGAR, Tina, et al. Factors associated with different smoking status in European adolescents: results of the SEYLE study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2017.

BARZILAY, Shira, BRUNSTEIN KLOMEK, Anat, APTER, Alan, CARLI, Vladimir, WASSERMAN, Camilla, POŠTUVAN, Vita, PODLOGAR, Tina, et al. Bullying Victimization and Suicide Ideation and Behavior Among Adolescents in Europe: A 10-Country Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2017.

ROŠKAR, Saška, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita, PODLESEK, Anja, DE LEO, Diego. The adaptation and implementation of guidelines for responsible media reporting on suicide in Slovenia.  Zdrav Var, 2017, vol. 56, no. 1, str. 1-8.

ROŠKAR, Saška, BRAČIČ, Mark F., KOLAR, Urška, LEKIC, Ksenija, KONEC JURIČIČ, Nuša, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Attitudes within the general population towards seeking professional help in cases of mental distress. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2017.


ARENSMAN, Ella, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Effectiveness of Depression–Suicidal Behaviour Gatekeeper Training among police officers in three European regions: Outcomes of the Optimising Suicide Prevention Programmes and Their Implementation in Europe (OSPI-Europe) study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2016, vol. 1-10. 

PODLESEK, Anja, PELC, Julija, KOCBEK, Katarina, ZABUKOVEC, Vlasta, ŠTIRN, Mateja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, PIRC, Tina, STRAUMSHEIM, Per A., DANIELSEN, Eva, DUCKERT, Mona, KYTE, Bjarte, BUČAR, Sonja, PONIKVAR, Katja. Guidelines for the implementation of the supervised practice of psychologists. Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts, 2016.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. Psihološka etika v superviziji. V: Anja PODLESEK (ur.). Razvoj sistema supervizirane prakse psihologov v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2016, str. 111-116.

POŠTUVAN, Vita. Mentoriranje kot skrb za (telesno in) duševno zdravje. V: Anja PODLESEK (ur.). Razvoj sistema supervizirane prakse psihologov v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2016, str. 117-125.

SALMIČ TISOVEC, Nastja, PODLOGAR, Tina, ZADRAVEC ŠEDIVY, Nuša. Primer izkušnje s supervizirano prakso v projektu SUPER PSIHOLOG. V: Anja PODLESEK (ur.). Razvoj sistema supervizirane prakse psihologov v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2016, str. 185-190.

PIRC, Tina, PODLESEK, Anja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, PODLOGAR, Tina, KOCBEK, Katarina, ULČAR, Martina. Evalvacija programa usposabljanja mentorjev supervizirane prakse. V: Anja PODLESEK (ur.). Razvoj sistema supervizirane prakse psihologov v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2016, str. 205-216.

ŠTIRN, Mateja, TACER, Blanka, RIHTER, Andreja, KOVAČIK, Anita, PELC, Julija, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ČEPON, Sabina. Evalvacija supervizije mentorjev supervizirane prakse psihologov. V: Anja PODLESEK (ur.). Razvoj sistema supervizirane prakse psihologov v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2016, str. 275-280.

PODLESEK, Anja, PELC, Julija, KOCBEK, Katarina, ZABUKOVEC, Vlasta, ŠTIRN, Mateja, POŠTUVAN, Vita, PIRC, Tina, STRAUMSHEIM, Per A., DANIELSEN, Eva, DUCKERT, Mona, KYTE, Bjarte, BUČAR, Sonja, PONIKVAR, Katja. Smernice za izvajanje supervizirane prakse psihologov. V: Anja PODLESEK (ur.). Razvoj sistema supervizirane prakse psihologov v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2016, str. 291-326.

ROŠKAR, Saška, KOLAR, Urška, KONEC JURIČIČ, Nuša, LEKIĆ, Ksenija, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, MACUR, Mirna, JERIČEK KLANJŠČEK, Helena, ŠKORNIK TOVORNIK, Tatjana, TÖRNAR, Mihala, POŠTUVAN, Vita, DOBNIK, Bogdan, VATOVEC, Mojca, ZAVASNIK, Anka, TEKAVČIČ GRAD, Onja. Projekt MOČ – Znanje strokovnjakom, pomoč ljudem. Ključni rezultati in ugotovitve projekta ter predlog smernic za oblikovanje ukrepov na področju javnega duševnega zdravja. Ljubljana, NIJZ, 2016.

PODLOGAR, Tina, ŽIBERNA, Janina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, KERR, David C. R. Belongingness and Burdensomeness in Adolescents: Slovene Translation and Validation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 2016.

McMAHON, Elaine M, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Physical activity in European adolescents and associations with anxiety, depression and well-being. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2016. 

BRUNSTEIN KLOMEK, Anat, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ŽIBERNA, Janina, et al. Association between victimization by bullying and direct self injurious behavior among adolescence in Europe: a ten‑country study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2016.

DURKEE, Tony, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et. al. Pathological Internet Use and Risk-Behaviors among European Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016,  vol. 13, no. 294, str. 1-17.

Lancet Small


POŠTUVAN, Vita in TANČIČ GRUM Alenka. Program NARA – MOČ strokovnjakom skozi čuječnost. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.

Projekt MOČ. Kadar nas je strah da bi si kdo lahko vzel življenje. NIJZ, 2015.

Projekt MOČ. Ker pogovor daje MOČ. NIJZ, 2015.

PODLOGAR Tina. Z delom povezani dejavniki tveganja za samomorilno vedenje, varovalni dejavniki in možnosti preventivnega delovanja. Psihološka obzorja, 2015.

KASAHARA-KIRITANI, Mami, MARS BITENC, Urša, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Reading Books and Watching Films as a Protective Factor against Suicidal Ideation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2015.

COTTER, Pádraig, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Help-seeking behaviour following school-based screening for current suicidality among European adolescents. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2015. 

KOBURGER, Nicole, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et. al. Celebrity suicide on the railway network: Can one case trigger international effects? Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015.

WASSERMAN, Danuta, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. School-based suicide prevention programmes: the SEYLE cluster-randomised, controlled trial. The Lancet, 2015.


CARLI, Vladimir, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. A newly identified group of adolescents at “invisible” risk for psychopathology and suicidal behavior: findings from the SEYLE study. World Psychiatry, 2014, vol. 13, no. 1, str. 78-86.

JERIČEK KLANŠČEK, Helena, ŽIBERNA, Janina, KOROŠEC, Aleš, ZURC, Joca, ALBREHT, Tit. Mental health inequalities in Slovenian 15-year-old adolescents explained by personal social position and family socioeconomic status. International journal for equity in health, 2014, vol. 13, no. 26.

KAESS, Michael, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Risk-behaviour screening for identifying adolescents with mental health problems in Europe. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 2014, no. 7, vol. 23, str. 611-620.

KAESS, Michael, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ŽIBERNA, Janina, et al. Pathological Internet use among European adolescents: psychopathology and self-destructive behaviours. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 2014.

MALONEY, Julia, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. How to adjust media recommendations on reporting suicidal behavior to new media developments. Archives of suicide research, 2014, vol. 18, no. 2, str. 156-169.

RÜÜTEL, Erik, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Alcohol consumption patterns among adolescents are related to family structure and exposure to drunkenness within the family: results from the SEYLE project. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2014, vol. 11, no. 12, str. 12700-12715.

SARCHIAPONE, Marco, POŠTUVAN, Vita, MARS, Urša, et al. Hours of sleep in adolescents and its association with anxiety, emotional concerns, and suicidal ideation. Sleep medicine, 2014, vol. 15, no. 2, str. 248-254.

SISASK, Merike, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et. al. Teacher satisfaction with school and psychological well-being affects their readiness to help children with mental health problems. Health Education Journal, 2014, vol. 73, no. 4, str. 382-393.

 ethical issues in prison psychiatry


DE LEO, Diego. Prelomnice. Neobičajno popotovanje v globine samomora. Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, 2013.

BALÁZS, Judit, MARUŠIČ, Dragan, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Adolescent subthreshold-depression and anxiety: psychopathology, functional impairment and increased suicide risk. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines, 2013, vol. 54, no. 6, str. 670-677.

BRUNNER, Romuald, PODLOGAR, Tina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Life-time prevalence and psychosocial correlates of adolescent direct self-injurious behavior: a comparative study of findings in 11 European countries. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines, str. 1-12.

CARLI, Vladimir, MARS, Urša, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. The saving and empowering young lives in Europe (SEYLE) randomized controlled trial (RCT): methodological issues and participant characteristics. BMC public health, 2013, vol. 13, no. 479, str. 1-23.

COPPENS, Evelien, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Public attitudes toward depression and help-seeking in four European countries baseline survey prior to the OSPI-Europe intervention. Journal of affective disorders, 2013, str. 1-10.

KODAKA, Manami, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Exploration of factors associated with social worker attitudes toward suicide. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2013, vol. 59, no. 5, str. 452-455.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Media recommendations on reporting suicidal behaviour and suggestions for optimisation. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2013, str. 1-2.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, MADJAR, Tanja. Ethical issues of mental health care in Slovene prison system. V: KONRAD, Norbert, VÖLLM, Birgit, WEISSTUB, David N. Ethical issues in prison psychiatry, (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, ISSN 1567-8008, 46). Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, str. 294-314

ŽIBERNA, Janina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, MARS, Urša, PODLOGAR, Tina, DE LEO, Diego. ŽIV? ŽIV! raziskovalno – intervencijske dejavnosti Slovenskega centra za raziskovanje samomora = Ziv? Ziv! research and intervention activities of the Slovene center for suicide research. V: KOPČAVAR GUČEK, Nena, PETEK, Davorina. Kakovostna obravnava bolnika v družinski medicini: (družina, psihiatrija, pulmologija, preventiva, bolečina, infekcije, zdravje žensk, delavnice): zbornik predavanj: 39. strokovno srečanje timov, Ljubljana, 31. 5.-1. 6. 2013, (Družinska medicina, Supplement, 2013, 11, 2). Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine: Zavod za razvoj družinske medicine, 2013, str. 140-147.

SEYLE Awareness


DURKEE, Tony, MARUŠIČ, Dragan, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Prevalence of pathological internet use among adolescents in Europe : demographic and social factors. Addiction, 2012, vol. 107, no. 12, str. 2210-2222.

KUZMANIĆ, Marja, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Qualitative research in suicidology : values, strengths and ethical issues. V: SCHWEIZER, Karin (ur.). Values and diversity in qualitative research, (Qualitative Psychology Nexus, Vol. 10). 1st ed. Tübingen: Center for Qualitative Psychology, 2012, str. 163-177.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, KUZMANIĆ, Marja. Qualitative approaches in psychological suicide studies: values, and ethical issues.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Suicide prevention for youth – a mental health awareness program: lessons learned from the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study. BMC public health, 2012, vol. 12, no. 776, str. 1-26.

POŠTUVAN, Vita, ŽIBERNA, Janina, DE LEO, Diego. Needs and interventions for suicide survivors – preliminary results of a study from Slovenia. V: CAPOZZA, Dora (ur.), TESTONI, Ines (ur.). Dinanzi al morire: percorsi interdisciplinari dalla ricerca all’intervento paaliativo: [Atti del Convegno Padova, 6-7-8 settembre 2012]. Padova: Padova University Press, 2012, str. 531-538.

ROŠKAR, Saška, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Development and implementation of suicide prevention activities : report from Slovenia. V: OLISAH, Victor (ur.). Essential notes in psychiatry. Rijeka: InTech, cop. 2012, str. 333-354.

ROŠKAR, Saška, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Merkmale und Trends von Suizidalität und Suizidprävention in Slowenien. Suizidprophylaxe, 2012, jg. 39, ht. 3, str. 97-100.

WASSERMAN, Camilla, ŽIBERNA, Janina, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et al. Suicide prevention for youth – a mental health awareness program: lessons learned from the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study. BMC Public Health, 2012, 12, 776.



CARLI, Vladimir, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et. al. Self-harm in prisoners. CNS spectrums, 2011.

FELTZ-CORNELIS, Christina M., POŠTUVAN, Vita,  ROŠKAR, Saška, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, et. al. Best practice elements of multilevel suicide prevention strategies. Crisis, 2011, vol. 32, no. 6, str. 319-333.

PODLOGAR, Tina, BAJEC, Boštjan. Povezanost časovne perspektive z osebnostnimi lastnostmi in subjektivnim blagostanjem = The connection of time perspective with personality traits and subjective well-being. Psihološka obzorja, 2011, letn. 20, št. 1, str. 43-62.

ROŠKAR, Saška, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Pogled na in čez pogled. Pogled, 2011, letn. 5, št. 1/2, str. 9-10.

ROŠKAR, Saška, TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Težave, pasti in izzivi pri obvladovanju duševnih stisk in samomorilnega vedenja mladostnikov ter starostnikov. V: LESKOVAR, Mateja (ur.). I. mednarodno znanstveni posvet/konferenca na temo Izzivi, pasti, težave sodobne družbe, od 29. 06. do 01. 07. 2011. Rakičan: RIS Dvorec, 2011, str. 98-103.

TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Poročilo s 13. ESSSB: Rim, september 2010. Pogled, 2011, letn. 5, št. 1/2, str. 104-105.

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KODAKA, Manami, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et. al. A systematic review of scales that measure attitudes toward suicide. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2010, str. 1-24.

ROŠKAR, Saška , TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita. Spregovorimo o samomoru in medijih : preprečevanje samomora – strokovne smernice za odgovorno novinarsko poročanje. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja RS, 2010.

TANČIČ GRUM, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ROŠKAR, Saška. Spregovorimo o depresiji in samomoru med starejšimi. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja RS, 2010.

WASSERMAN, Danuta, MARUŠIČ, Dragan, POŠTUVAN, Vita, et. al. Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) : a randomized controlled trial. BMC public health, 2010, vol. 10, no. 192, str. 1-14.


TANČIČ, Alenka, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ROŠKAR, Saška. Spregovorimo o samomoru med mladimi. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja RS, 2009. 


POŠTUVAN, Vita, BEČAJ, Janez, MARUŠIČ, Andrej. Nurses’ attitudes towards depression : a study in Slovenia. Psychiatria Danubina,  2007, vol. 19, no. 1/2, str. 61-67.